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How to stretch your ear lobes to wear plugs and tunnels.

How to stretch your ear lobes to wear plugs and tunnels

One gauge at a time! If you have never stretched your lobes and are only use to wearing basic studs, you would be sitting at 18 gauge right now.  Gauge means the thickness of the metal on the posts you wear.  Gauges start at 16 and get thicker as the number gets smaller.  So it’s 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 00, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 7/8 and 1 inch. It’s important to increase your size one gauge at a time to prevent blowouts and scarring.  Try to consider that you may change your mind...

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How to figure out what size nose hoop/stud/bone you need.

what size nose jewelry do you need

This can be frustrating for most so doing a blog about it seemed like a good idea.     Let's work with the right diameter first.  All body jewelry is and should be stated as the inside diameter of the hoop.  What you need to do if find yourself a ruler.  Using the mm part, place it from your piercing to the rim of your nose.  There's your diameter. That will give you a comfy fit without the hoop hanging down.  Many like to have a hoop that's a bit larger so just add 2mm to that to give you the...

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How To Use Open Close a Segment Seamless Hoops Rings

how to use a segment ring

A while ago I (Laura) did up a video on how to use segments rings.  Hope you find this helpful!  The tool that I'm using in this video is called a hemostat.  If you would like to buy one from us please let us know.  They are 16.99.

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Information About Micro Dermal Anchors

micro dermal anchors

So, you’re thinking about getting a micro dermal anchor.  Here’s a few things that you need to know. This piercing is considered somewhat permanent.  A tiny foot is planted under your skin with the idea that your tissue will heal in and around the holes in the foot thus anchoring it down.  It’s important to be sure what the anchor foot is made of.  If it is surgical steel, it will have to be removed via scalpel if you need any hospital tests so please be sure that your piercer is using grade 23 titanium so that it isn’t a...

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How to clean your body jewelry

how to clean your body jewelry

NO ALCOHOL!  DISH SOAP ONLY! The most important thing you should do when you receive jewelry from anywhere is to clean it.  Even if it’s in a little packet someones hands have been on it at some point. Alcohol:  Does absolutely nothing to clean body jewelry but it does a really good job at breaking or discolouring it.  Acrylic balls will crack and plating with fade but the bacteria on your jewelry will stay no matter how many times you use alcohol on it.  There are certain types of bacteria that live well on body jewelry so if it’s on...

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